Home History Services


Curious about your home’s backstory?

Perfect for individuals

Discover your home’s hidden past with our comprehensive home history package!

Our team dives deep into your home’s past, uncovering historical archives, newspaper articles, building permits, blueprints, vintage home photos, maps, and more. With our detailed research, we piece together a captivating timeline that reveals your home’s backstory, allowing you to witness its rich history unfold before your eyes.


Want to celebrate your home’s history?

Perfect for individuals, businesses, and gifting

If you want to take your home research to the next level, elevate your experience with our home history coffee table book! Meticulously crafted to be as beautifully unique as the home’s backstory, the book showcases details about the home, the surrounding area, previous owners, architectural influences, and events that shaped its story.

Thoughtfully designed to engage and enlighten, this book is guaranteed to be a conversation starter that leaves a lasting impression. Your book will even feature custom cover art of the home, making it a true centerpiece to proudly display.

Perfect for new homeowners, long-term residents, family members, vacation rental guests, and history enthusiasts, don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a one-of-a-kind keepsake that will be cherished by anyone who sees it.


Looking for a way to stand out?

Perfect for businesses

Calling all estate agents, contractors, remodelers, and designers! Ready to make an unforgettable impression? Look no further - we have the perfect solution for you. This comprehensive service celebrates the historical essence of each home while positioning you as the ultimate home expert at your next open house.

With this option, you’ll enjoy –
  • A comprehensive home history timeline on HouseNovel.com
  • Three branded QR code displays linking to the home’s history, for use anywhere
  • Recognition as the expert real estate sponsor on the timeline
  • A captivating home feature spotlight on social media, showcasing both you and the home

If you’re a passionate historic home expert, this is your opportunity to draw a personal connection to the home and leave a lasting impact!

Need help digitizing photos and stories?

We'll send you an 11 x 14 envelope with postage for you to send us photos and stories.

Simply send it to us, and we'll carefully digitize your information and send your photos and stories back to you.

Looking to buy or sell a home?

Buying or selling a historic or older home takes an expert. That’s why we’ve partnered with the best real estate agents that specialize in historic homes and neighborhoods.

With years of experience in your area, these agents have a deep understanding of the homes, their unique stories, and the rich history that surrounds the neighborhoods they serve. With an unmatched appreciation and passion for local history, you can confidently count on our agents to help you navigate the complexities of buying or selling an older property.

Pledge to save home history!

HouseNovel supporters are leading the revolution to save home history across the nation.

No matter the amount, your contribution makes a huge difference in supporting HouseNovel on its mission to ensure home history, memories, and family legacies are preserved for generations to come.

Want a free piece of home history?!
Our researchers will uncover a free piece of history about your house and add it directly to your home's timeline!