- Marley Zielike
Valentine-Fuller House & Garden, 125 Prospect St Cambridge, Middlesex County, MA
The house, which had an attached carriage house and stable, was one of the most handsomely designed and impressive residences in all Cambridge. The garden, which measured approximately 210` x 510`, was unusually large for its neighborhood and was substantially unaltered from its original plan. House and grounds together comprised a particularly fine intact example of an outstanding mid-nineteenth-century Cambridge suburban estate.
Valentine-Fuller House & Garden, 125 Prospect St Cambridge, Middlesex County, MA
The house, which had an attached carriage house and stable, was one of the most handsomely designed and impressive residences in all Cambridge. The garden, which measured approximately 210` x 510`, was unusually large for its neighborhood and was substantially unaltered from its original plan. House and grounds together comprised a particularly fine intact example of an outstanding mid-nineteenth-century Cambridge suburban estate.
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