1340 South Pleasant Valley Road
Winchester, VA, USA

  • Architectural Style: Colonial
  • Bathroom: N/A
  • Year Built: 1754
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • Square Feet: 4,900 sqft
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • Neighborhood: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
  • Bedrooms: N/A
  • Architectural Style: Colonial
  • Year Built: 1754
  • Square Feet: 4,900 sqft
  • Bedrooms: N/A
  • Bathroom: N/A
  • Neighborhood: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
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May 24, 2023

  • Charmaine Bantugan

1340 South Pleasant Valley Road, Winchester, VA, USA

Original Owner: Abraham Hollingsworth Architect: Simon Taylor

1340 South Pleasant Valley Road, Winchester, VA, USA

Original Owner: Abraham Hollingsworth Architect: Simon Taylor


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