1404 N 17th Ave
Minneapolis, MN, USA

  • Architectural Style: Bungalow
  • Bathroom: 2
  • Year Built: 1924
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • Square Feet: 1,620 sqft
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • Neighborhood: Near North
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Architectural Style: Bungalow
  • Year Built: 1924
  • Square Feet: 1,620 sqft
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathroom: 2
  • Neighborhood: Near North
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
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Jul 08, 2023

  • John Sherrell

1404 N 17th Ave, Minneapolis, MN, USA

1404 N 17th Ave, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Mar 16, 1947

  • Marley Zielike

St. Patrick's Day at Ascension School

The party arrangements committee of the Ascension School Mother's Club wraps favors for the St. Patrick's Day luncheon and card party where First and Eighth graders at the school will give a program, proceeds of which will go to fund school equipment. L to R: Mrs. Ascher is the prizes chairman, and Mrs. Westcott is the tickets chairman. 1404 17th Ave. N (Ascher)

St. Patrick's Day at Ascension School

The party arrangements committee of the Ascension School Mother's Club wraps favors for the St. Patrick's Day luncheon and card party where First and Eighth graders at the school will give a program, proceeds of which will go to fund school equipment. L to R: Mrs. Ascher is the prizes chairman, and Mrs. Westcott is the tickets chairman. 1404 17th Ave. N (Ascher)

May 08, 1927

  • Marley Zielike

Dr. Paul H. McAloon Endorses Edward Chalgren

The article shows that Dr. Paul H. McAloon lived at 1404 17th Avenue North in 1927.

Dr. Paul H. McAloon Endorses Edward Chalgren

The article shows that Dr. Paul H. McAloon lived at 1404 17th Avenue North in 1927.


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