219 S 6th St
Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

  • Architectural Style: N/A
  • Bathroom: N/A
  • Year Built: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • Square Feet: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • Neighborhood: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
  • Bedrooms: N/A
  • Architectural Style: N/A
  • Year Built: N/A
  • Square Feet: N/A
  • Bedrooms: N/A
  • Bathroom: N/A
  • Neighborhood: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
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  • Marley Zielike

Philadelphia Athenaeum, 219 South Sixth St (East Washington Square), Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA

HABS PA-1389

Philadelphia Athenaeum, 219 South Sixth St (East Washington Square), Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA

HABS PA-1389

  • Marley Zielike

Philadelphia Athenaeum, Brick Privy, 219 South Sixth St (East Washington Square), Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA

Contemporary with the construction of the Athenaeum of Philadelphia in 1847, and located in the attractively landscaped garden, this unusual privy is of masonry construction and contains 6 private compartments, each with access from the exterior. The slatted compartment doors are of particular interest.

Philadelphia Athenaeum, Brick Privy, 219 South Sixth St (East Washington Square), Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA

Contemporary with the construction of the Athenaeum of Philadelphia in 1847, and located in the attractively landscaped garden, this unusual privy is of masonry construction and contains 6 private compartments, each with access from the exterior. The slatted compartment doors are of particular interest.

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