Jun 30, 1977
- Charmaine Bantugan
Robert Roloson Houses - National Register of Historic Places
Statement of Significance: These houses are of special interest as the only surviving row houses by Frank Lloyd Wright. As representatives of Wright's earliest independent work, they are also very important. Interior and exterior details are of the early partly contemporaneous, partly original types found in the Winslow House of the same year, and thus afford especially interesting evidence of the evolution of Wright's architecture. The emphasis on interior space is of significance as the beginning of this important quality in Wright's architecture.
Robert Roloson Houses - National Register of Historic Places
Statement of Significance: These houses are of special interest as the only surviving row houses by Frank Lloyd Wright. As representatives of Wright's earliest independent work, they are also very important. Interior and exterior details are of the early partly contemporaneous, partly original types found in the Winslow House of the same year, and thus afford especially interesting evidence of the evolution of Wright's architecture. The emphasis on interior space is of significance as the beginning of this important quality in Wright's architecture.
Jun 30, 1977
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