325 East Iron Avenue
Dover, OH, USA

  • Architectural Style: Ranch
  • Bathroom: N/A
  • Year Built: 1870
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • Square Feet: 5,850 sqft
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • Neighborhood: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
  • Bedrooms: N/A
  • Architectural Style: Ranch
  • Year Built: 1870
  • Square Feet: 5,850 sqft
  • Bedrooms: N/A
  • Bathroom: N/A
  • Neighborhood: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
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May 26, 2023

  • Charmaine Bantugan

325 East Iron Avenue, Dover, OH, USA

Original Owner: Valentine Wills Jeremiah E. Reeves purchased the old farmhouse in 1898 and began a remodeling/expansion project. The home was built very will with brick and offered spacious rooms, as well as high ceilings. An early 20th century image of the expanded and remodeled home (from 17 to 21 rooms) - date is approximate. The man responsible for the turn of the century renovation - Jeremiah E Reeves. He was born in England in 1845 and lived until July 11th, 1920. In his early years, he mastered the trade of boiler maker and structural iron worker, later organizing the Reeves Boiler Works in Niles, Ohio with his brothers in 1873. He branched out into other areas including founding of the Reeves Banking and Trust Company into the hotel business, as well. In later years, the Reeves traveled frequently including many trips abroad. A candelabra stands guard at the bottom of the staircase - date is approximate.

325 East Iron Avenue, Dover, OH, USA

Original Owner: Valentine Wills Jeremiah E. Reeves purchased the old farmhouse in 1898 and began a remodeling/expansion project. The home was built very will with brick and offered spacious rooms, as well as high ceilings. An early 20th century image of the expanded and remodeled home (from 17 to 21 rooms) - date is approximate. The man responsible for the turn of the century renovation - Jeremiah E Reeves. He was born in England in 1845 and lived until July 11th, 1920. In his early years, he mastered the trade of boiler maker and structural iron worker, later organizing the Reeves Boiler Works in Niles, Ohio with his brothers in 1873. He branched out into other areas including founding of the Reeves Banking and Trust Company into the hotel business, as well. In later years, the Reeves traveled frequently including many trips abroad. A candelabra stands guard at the bottom of the staircase - date is approximate.


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