Oct 04, 1984
- Charmaine Bantugan
August Johnson House - National Register of Historic Places
Statement of Significance: Random cobblestones set in concrete blocks which are laid in common block fashion is the distinctive characteristic of the transitional vernacular Colonial Revival residence at 427 St. Croix Street in Hudson. Erected around 1906, no other structure in the community rivals the unique construction employed by local construction/stone mason August Johnson. This is the finest example of this unique type of construction known to exist in Wisconsin and has state level of significance. Other examples of Johnson's craftsmanship still standing in Hudson including the City Hall (1927), which is also being nominated, the Masonic Temple, and the Old Rex Theatre, currently known as the Hudson Theatre. However, the life of August Johnson, his association with the events and development in/of the community are not justifiably significant. Photo by R.C. LaRowe
August Johnson House - National Register of Historic Places
Statement of Significance: Random cobblestones set in concrete blocks which are laid in common block fashion is the distinctive characteristic of the transitional vernacular Colonial Revival residence at 427 St. Croix Street in Hudson. Erected around 1906, no other structure in the community rivals the unique construction employed by local construction/stone mason August Johnson. This is the finest example of this unique type of construction known to exist in Wisconsin and has state level of significance. Other examples of Johnson's craftsmanship still standing in Hudson including the City Hall (1927), which is also being nominated, the Masonic Temple, and the Old Rex Theatre, currently known as the Hudson Theatre. However, the life of August Johnson, his association with the events and development in/of the community are not justifiably significant. Photo by R.C. LaRowe
Oct 04, 1984
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