Jun 01, 2021
Jun 01, 2021
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Sep 01, 1995
Sep 01, 1995
- Marley Zielike
Hale-Page-Diamond Lake: A Neighborhood History for Today
September, 1995 The Hale-Page-Diamond Lake CHPDLl neighborhood is a beautiful residential district of Minneapolis, just west of Lake Nokomis and Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. HPDL is part of a larger municipal region known as the Nokomis community, which is comprised of eleven neighborhoods in southeast Minneapolis. Much of the community used to be located in suburban Richfield, until Minneapolis annexed territory in Richfield south to 62nd Street. The annexation process took place in 1927, and the Nokomis community was consequently one of the last Minneapolis districts to be developed.
Hale-Page-Diamond Lake: A Neighborhood History for Today
September, 1995 The Hale-Page-Diamond Lake CHPDLl neighborhood is a beautiful residential district of Minneapolis, just west of Lake Nokomis and Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. HPDL is part of a larger municipal region known as the Nokomis community, which is comprised of eleven neighborhoods in southeast Minneapolis. Much of the community used to be located in suburban Richfield, until Minneapolis annexed territory in Richfield south to 62nd Street. The annexation process took place in 1927, and the Nokomis community was consequently one of the last Minneapolis districts to be developed.
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Oct 15, 1947
Dorothy Hauptman - Two Stroll Amid Autumn's Beauty
Two Stroll Amid Autumn's Beauty, Dorothy Hauptman of 5112 Luverne Avenue, Minneapolis, MN.
Oct 15, 1947
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Feb 11, 1926
Feb 11, 1926
5112 Luverne Building Permit
Original building permit for 5112 Luverne, Minneapolis. Shows the contractor Uneeda Home Co. built the home for $6,500 in 1926.
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Feb 11, 1926
- Marley Zielike
5112 Luverne Lot Survey
Lot survey for the property at the Minneapolis address listed above. Lot surveys were conducted by surveyors to establish the property lines for specific properties. The survey may have been conducted at the time the house or building was first constructed or for other significant building permit (B permit) projects.
5112 Luverne Lot Survey
Lot survey for the property at the Minneapolis address listed above. Lot surveys were conducted by surveyors to establish the property lines for specific properties. The survey may have been conducted at the time the house or building was first constructed or for other significant building permit (B permit) projects.
Feb 11, 1926
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Mar 25, 1910
Mar 25, 1910
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