1731 Dupont Ave N
Minneapolis, MN, USA

  • Architectural Style: Queen Anne
  • Bathroom: 4
  • Year Built: 1900
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • Square Feet: 4,094 sqft
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • Neighborhood: Near North
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
  • Bedrooms: 6
  • Architectural Style: Queen Anne
  • Year Built: 1900
  • Square Feet: 4,094 sqft
  • Bedrooms: 6
  • Bathroom: 4
  • Neighborhood: Near North
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
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Jun 01, 1900

  • Charmaine Bantugan

1731 Dupont Ave N, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Property Description: 2.5 stories; asymmetrical structure with cross gabled roof (dominant, front-facing gable); full-width, two-story, wrap around porch with spindle work balustrade; first floor of eastern façade has a curved bay with fixed picture window and transoms; wider eaves with brackets visible under second floor porch; grouped columns on second floor porch; patterned shingles in third floor gable. Cut away bays on south façade. Window Condition: Appear to be mainly replacement windows. 1731 Dupont Avenue North was the first parsonage for the Church of the Ascension.

1731 Dupont Ave N, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Property Description: 2.5 stories; asymmetrical structure with cross gabled roof (dominant, front-facing gable); full-width, two-story, wrap around porch with spindle work balustrade; first floor of eastern façade has a curved bay with fixed picture window and transoms; wider eaves with brackets visible under second floor porch; grouped columns on second floor porch; patterned shingles in third floor gable. Cut away bays on south façade. Window Condition: Appear to be mainly replacement windows. 1731 Dupont Avenue North was the first parsonage for the Church of the Ascension.


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