1835 Irving Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN, USA

  • Architectural Style: Victorian
  • Bathroom: 2
  • Year Built: 1911
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • Square Feet: 2,100 sqft
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • Neighborhood: Willard Hay
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Architectural Style: Victorian
  • Year Built: 1911
  • Square Feet: 2,100 sqft
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathroom: 2
  • Neighborhood: Willard Hay
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
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Jun 01, 1980

  • Dave Decker

Photo of 1835 Irving Avenue North, Minneapolis from the 1980s

Part of a photographic survey of Minneapolis buildings for the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission, sponsored by the Minneapolis City Planning Department and the Minnesota Historical Society, and conducted by staff the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA). Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) Records (M/A 0230): https://archives.hclib.org/resources/minneapolis_heritage_preservation_commission_hpc_r

Photo of 1835 Irving Avenue North, Minneapolis from the 1980s

Part of a photographic survey of Minneapolis buildings for the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission, sponsored by the Minneapolis City Planning Department and the Minnesota Historical Society, and conducted by staff the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA). Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) Records (M/A 0230): https://archives.hclib.org/resources/minneapolis_heritage_preservation_commission_hpc_r

May 22, 1938

  • Dave Decker

Alois C. Gasser

Founder and president of the Minnesota Casket Co. lived at 1835 Irving Ave. North. The Minnesota Casket Co. was located at 601 First Avenue North in Minneapolis.

Alois C. Gasser

Founder and president of the Minnesota Casket Co. lived at 1835 Irving Ave. North. The Minnesota Casket Co. was located at 601 First Avenue North in Minneapolis.

Jan 12, 1923

  • Dave Decker

Alois C. Gasser buys lot 2, block 2

The announcement shows Alois C. Gasser bought lot 2, block 2 of "Rearrangement of Blocks 1 and 2, North High School Addition to Minneapolis" in 1923.

Alois C. Gasser buys lot 2, block 2

The announcement shows Alois C. Gasser bought lot 2, block 2 of "Rearrangement of Blocks 1 and 2, North High School Addition to Minneapolis" in 1923.


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