2379 Larpenteur Avenue West
Lauderdale, MN, USA

Architectural Style:
Year Built:
Square Feet:
728 sqft
Ramsey County
National Register of Historic Places Status:
Small town feel.
Lot Size:
4,920 sqft
Parcel ID:
(4737) LAUDERDALE 623 R
Lot Description:
44.9919237, -93.2005461
Some data provided by Zillow.
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Property Story Timeline

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starts with you.

Nov 16, 2024

  • Amanda Zielike

Property identification information

Parcel ID 172923340238 Parcel Status Active Property Address 2379 LARPENTEUR AVE W LAUDERDALE MN 55113-5267 Sec/Twp/Rng 17/29/23 Brief Tax Description MANUEL'S SUBDIVISION SUBJ TO RD; LOT 18 BLK 2 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Parcel Area 0.1129 Parcel Width 40 Feet Parcel Depth 123 Feet (Note: Width and Depth represent buildable area of lot in the case of irregularly shaped lots) Tax Classification 1A/1B/4BB RESIDENTIAL SINGLE UNIT; Homestead Status Homestead Roll Type Real Property Municipality LAUDERDALE District Code 4737 For homestead vs non-homestead tax calc - use District code above - click here School District ISD #623 Watershed RICE CREEK W/S TIF District Land Use Code 510 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING, PLATTED LOT ... Read More Read Less

Property identification information

Parcel ID 172923340238 Parcel Status Active Property Address 2379 LARPENTEUR AVE W LAUDERDALE MN 55113-5267 Sec/Twp/Rng 17/29/23 Brief Tax Description MANUEL'S SUBDIVISION SUBJ TO RD; LOT 18 BLK 2 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Parcel Area 0.1129 Parcel Width 40 Feet Parcel Depth 123 Feet (Note: Width and Depth represent buildable area of lot in the case of irregularly shaped lots) Tax Classification 1A/1B/4BB RESIDENTIAL SINGLE UNIT; Homestead Status Homestead Roll Type Real Property Municipality LAUDERDALE District Code 4737 For homestead vs non-homestead tax calc - use District code above - click here School District ISD #623 Watershed RICE CREEK W/S TIF District Land Use Code 510 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING, PLATTED LOT ... Read More Read Less

Nov 15, 2024

  • Amanda Zielike

Additional information provided by current homeowner Barb Eggers

"I do know that my home and the houses at 2383 Larpenteur and 2401 Larpenteur Ave W all were built at the same time with the same floor plan. Each house has been upgraded differently so you can still figure out the original floor plan...I know that my home, the home next door and the one across Carl Street all were built with the same floor plan. I have been inside each and I think I could draw the original floor plan fairly closely. Also, 2371 Larpenteur is the last Gibbs house. After the Gibbs family moved out of the house that is now the museum they built the main part of this house" ... Read More Read Less

Additional information provided by current homeowner Barb Eggers

"I do know that my home and the houses at 2383 Larpenteur and 2401 Larpenteur Ave W all were built at the same time with the same floor plan. Each house has been upgraded differently so you can still figure out the original floor plan...I know that my home, the home next door and the one across Carl Street all were built with the same floor plan. I have been inside each and I think I could draw the original floor plan fairly closely. Also, 2371 Larpenteur is the last Gibbs house. After the Gibbs family moved out of the house that is now the museum they built the main part of this house" ... Read More Read Less

Nov 09, 2024

  • Amanda Zielike

Homeownership timeline

Home Ownership and Potential Residents Timeline (also noted that the address was sometimes noted as 2379 W. Larpenteur Ave instead of 2379 Larpenteur Ave W..) - 1986-present - Barbara Eggers; (also sometimes referred to as B.L. Eggers, Barbara L. Eggers., and incorrectly as B.L. Eggfrs) in public records (Other potential residents during this time...2020 - Stacy L. Andrews, 2018-Tiffany J. Olson, 1999- Abigail Ashton, 1996-Stacey J. Dejong, 1994 -Veronica K. Hill and Kim V. Pehrson, 1993 - Mia U. Robillos. 1991- Sathya R. Yyesuraja, Date N/A - Jodi L. Gustafson (current homeowner Barb Eggers confirmed she was a young women who rented a room in her home) 1986 - Sold to Barbara Eggers by Dale and Barbara Kvittem-Barr 1978 - Barbara J. Barr 1969-Arlene K. Danielson 1950s- Frank Jr. (and wife Cara) Pivec (misspelled on the document classification as Frt Pivec); ADDRESS CHANGES AROUND THIS TIME 1937 - Mark and Margaret R Henderson 1935 - Rudney and Verina Edaburn (renters) 1934 - Grace Goddard 1929 - Harold And Elizabeth F. Lindahl 1928 - Harry and Marjorie Stephens (the first documented homeowners when the address was still listed as 2471 W Larpenter Ave, Rose Hill (later becomes Lauderdale), MN *This homeownership and resident timeline is an estimate to the best of our ability based on available data. We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information provided and recommend independently verifying details for any legal, historical, or property-related purposes.* ... Read More Read Less

Homeownership timeline

Home Ownership and Potential Residents Timeline (also noted that the address was sometimes noted as 2379 W. Larpenteur Ave instead of 2379 Larpenteur Ave W..) - 1986-present - Barbara Eggers; (also sometimes referred to as B.L. Eggers, Barbara L. Eggers., and incorrectly as B.L. Eggfrs) in public records (Other potential residents during this time...2020 - Stacy L. Andrews, 2018-Tiffany J. Olson, 1999- Abigail Ashton, 1996-Stacey J. Dejong, 1994 -Veronica K. Hill and Kim V. Pehrson, 1993 - Mia U. Robillos. 1991- Sathya R. Yyesuraja, Date N/A - Jodi L. Gustafson (current homeowner Barb Eggers confirmed she was a young women who rented a room in her home) 1986 - Sold to Barbara Eggers by Dale and Barbara Kvittem-Barr 1978 - Barbara J. Barr 1969-Arlene K. Danielson 1950s- Frank Jr. (and wife Cara) Pivec (misspelled on the document classification as Frt Pivec); ADDRESS CHANGES AROUND THIS TIME 1937 - Mark and Margaret R Henderson 1935 - Rudney and Verina Edaburn (renters) 1934 - Grace Goddard 1929 - Harold And Elizabeth F. Lindahl 1928 - Harry and Marjorie Stephens (the first documented homeowners when the address was still listed as 2471 W Larpenter Ave, Rose Hill (later becomes Lauderdale), MN *This homeownership and resident timeline is an estimate to the best of our ability based on available data. We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information provided and recommend independently verifying details for any legal, historical, or property-related purposes.* ... Read More Read Less


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