300 W 12th St
Kansas City, MO 64105, USA

  • Architectural Style: N/A
  • Bathroom: N/A
  • Year Built: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • Square Feet: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • Neighborhood: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
  • Bedrooms: N/A
  • Architectural Style: N/A
  • Year Built: N/A
  • Square Feet: N/A
  • Bedrooms: N/A
  • Bathroom: N/A
  • Neighborhood: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Date: N/A
  • National Register of Historic Places Area of Significance: N/A
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  • Marley Zielike

Standard Theatre, 300 West Twelfth St Kansas City, Jackson County, MO

Built for James J. Butler, a Kansas City politician. Opened Spetember 23, 1900, offering performances of burlesque comedy and vaudeville. In 1902, name changed to "Century." After fire in 1923, extensively remodeled and named "Shubert`s Missouri." Closed 1932, reopened 1941 as "The Folly."

Standard Theatre, 300 West Twelfth St Kansas City, Jackson County, MO

Built for James J. Butler, a Kansas City politician. Opened Spetember 23, 1900, offering performances of burlesque comedy and vaudeville. In 1902, name changed to "Century." After fire in 1923, extensively remodeled and named "Shubert`s Missouri." Closed 1932, reopened 1941 as "The Folly."

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