Dec 01, 1864
- Charmaine Bantugan
671 Conway Street, Saint Paul, MN, USA
"Originally located in Connemara Patch, an Irish immigrant community that was below today's 3rd Street bridge.” House moved to its present spot. Built askew. "Rather than being square, the corners of the house are angled. The house forms a wide diamond shape." History According to St. Paul city directories, 671 Conway was purchased by John Drinane ca. 1915, who lived there until the late 1940s. First Owner: Gustav Muench
671 Conway Street, Saint Paul, MN, USA
"Originally located in Connemara Patch, an Irish immigrant community that was below today's 3rd Street bridge.” House moved to its present spot. Built askew. "Rather than being square, the corners of the house are angled. The house forms a wide diamond shape." History According to St. Paul city directories, 671 Conway was purchased by John Drinane ca. 1915, who lived there until the late 1940s. First Owner: Gustav Muench
Dec 01, 1864
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